02 January 2006


Man has searched for his soul, since he has been man. So much confusion to explain something immortal, through mortal eyes. Something nonphysical, through physical thoughts. Conjecture and hypothesis, from the learned and the not. Where does it exist? Can we measure it?

Such folly. Love is your answer, and a simple one at that.

When we fear, do we not-fear death? Fear pain? Fear ridicule? Fear aloneness? But when we love, A TRUE PURE LOVE- do we fear death do we fear pain do we fear ridicule do we fear being alone This is when these mortal, physical beings briefly touch their own soul. Only through pure undiluted love, completely free of fear. Then, and only then, can we see with clear eyes, the answers for which we have so desperately searched.

Fear drives us from love, goads us into complacency, it destroys, it creates a distance between humanity, fear is mortality. Love is comfort, it does not recognize time, it has no bias, and it never started, and will never end. We do not have to create love, for it has always been there, only remove fear, for it is man made. Then we can see our soul without any fear.


  1. Inspirational post. RKMV's effect ???.
    your post seem so complete that there is nothing to comment on or add.

    bilkul jhakas! :)

  2. Hey! buddy...

    I'd agree with 'voice'..It's a 'inspirational post'. But, i don't know what is that thing i'm getting inspired about, whether it is 'love' or 'fear'. (PS:not that i doubt you, maybe i'm getting old n my understanding is becoming hazy...)

    On a serious note i'd say that even if a person is in love, he fears lots of things, like, for ex fear for the life of the beloved, fear for the love itself (as you know even true love is open to encroachment..), etc...

    Lastly, i'd say that fear doesnot goad you into complacency, infact it is the opposite. Fear combines with emotional factors and actually becomes a driving force that some people choose to call motivation. It helps in getting things done at the right time.

    Huh! I always knew that my thinking is a bit (the word 'bit' is an understatement) crooked...so no hard feelings...just trying to come to terms with your point of view..

    Laghu Sikarwar

  3. I heard this morning that the new Pope of the Roman Catholic church has posted his first encyclical about how the church has a duty through its charitable work to influence political leaders to ease suffering and promote justice. "God is Love", in his document warns against sex without unconditional love, which he said risked turning men and women into merchandise.
    What puzzles me about that is how would he know about love and sex?

  4. irrational but nice post !!
    How u doing ?

  5. I understand and realate to this post, but that scares me.
