13 July 2009

The Week That Was

Did this ever happen to you?

You imagine things to go some way and then suddenly you find yourself standing at the cross road of something totally different. Then, there is a conscious alignment of your thoughts, just that the roads can't be re aligned but the direction can.

I for quite sometime in past couple of years lived like quarter miles a day vision. It's entirely fun though! Not only you don't know what to expect it helps it from doing away with the cribs too. At the end you are not sure what you want to be! And again start the next quarter mile journey with freshness. Oh! The tires need to be changed and the gas needs to be filled! That's ok for a journey.

The week had been a mixture of event. Had a great time with mom, but she kept of pushing her agenda that I should settle down and how it will help me in my future. Think every mom has a thing for their kids, and can't accept that kids too grow and may be at times out grow their thinking. But, I guess that's the norm. No complains. Well, back in work my manager gave me an hour lecture about how ones performance is not related to ones promotion in the company. Let's see what all I need to hear! Friends are doing good, did meet with lot of them this week and had a talk with some of them. I really miss my messy hostel life!

Well, hope the next week turns out to be interesting apart from the mundane stuffs. Planning to join Salsa classes but not sure if they accept without partners! Let's see.

Happy week folks, btw, I did see that this blog is also visited by folks from western India apart from Mumbai. Shall I presume their silence to be the comments of things gone by? Just a flickering thought.

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