03 April 2009

In the waters!

There is a big news! I have finally pulled up all my energy to learn swimming. Isn't it little strange considering so many people already adept in it. What ever be the case I did find myself to be very happy.
Before contemplating to learn swimming our group of friends imagined that one day we will be ace life savers - the Baywatch types. Searching more of strings than the wreckages. :)
When I dived in to the pool, I could reach the ground so no fear of drowning-not that I'm hydrophobic. But I couldn't float. Such a disappointment, I must admit that I was little out of mind because of the euphoria and expected to learn swimming in an hour. I tried for first 10 mins all the techniques that I did manage to google and see in television, but most of them helped me to perform some amazing water sumersaults - some of them if captured should have given Mr. Bean a run for his money. Well as always the initial euphoria died down and I came to grips with reality.

My first task was to learn breathing out inside water. It was damn tough! Never ever did I thought how difficult it would be, wish I had gills. Anyways, tried doing that for an hour with my occasional water hopping! That's enough for day 1. I presume I am on target to learn swimming very fast! What say... First consolidating the basics. :) Baywatch calling... Watching the DVDs now.

Plug in your suggestions. I'll keep you posted about my progress.

On the other side: Mark to Market rule has been modified, need to check if the model is available tomorrow. G20 meeting held but still doubtful if everyone is in the same page. And all over the world share market rose, most of them broke their 100 days DMA. My portfolio jumped 5%, cutting the losses.

One of my old friend mailed me long time back, felt good. And my company's CEO made a visit to our location and shared his input, can't say more else it will mount to violation of insider trading rule. Just kidding! Have a good time and wish the confidence is back, at least to oneself.
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel


  1. mailed you my swimming tips.... :D

  2. hi,

    Nice to see you back on the track...

    God Bless YOu

